wepasnapper – a person who creates wepasnaps – snaps being uniqely named pages with online software service called “Snapifier”.
wepasnapper is a polyonom created on 3rd September 2024. Searches on that date indicated there was no existing public record of the word or combination of letters ↓
It provided a means for bringing together content from across the web. The service was created by Curt Crowley – a veteran internet marketer with a reputation for ethical and honest marketing. The Snapifier functions reflected this.
However, Snapifier’s potential could easily surpass that of existing globally – recognised platforms with their platform-specific images and terms.
wepasnapper (and others eg. wepasnap, wepanesso) were created in anticipation of the realisation of Snapifier’s potential.
Curt Crowley is the Owner / Proprieter of Snapifier. Mention here should not be inferred as endorsement.
However – this polyonom’s creator has the privilege of being an affiliate for Snapifier. Should you choose to click here and purchase from the page you are taken to – Curt will pay me a commission.