kompletopia – a complete, fictional, utopia or dystopia.
kompletopia – a blending of the word “komple” – from the Turkish word that is equivalent to “complete in English – and a shortened version of (i) “utopia” or (ii) “dystopia”.
The results of web searches on 8th May 2024 indicated there was no previous record of this combination of letters.
Kompletopia was influenced by the emergence of the phenomenon of “globalism”, “global elites” and the attendant gobbledegook. eg unelected bodies that influence the lives of beings who inhabit, and the wellbeing of, planet earth.
“They are trying to persuade us they are providing a utopia – but they are human – and have human frailties. If not they, it will be others who adopt and distort their meaning for their own ends. History has shown this trait is repeated in many guises. What they are painting is a picture of a kompletopia” ~ Volker Bourne.