Mankokomple – lacking completeness, yet to be complete
mankokomple – derived from “manko” – Esperanto for “lack” and “komple” – Turkish for “complete”.
Search engine results 11th May 2024 indicated this combination of letters had not previously been recorded on the web.
Inspired by narrations of publicly available videos on the web on the topics of Artificial Intelligence, Generative Intelligence and Quantum Computing.
Many of these mentioned connections. With an action resulting when the connection was complete. That raised the question “what is the state-of-play before the connection is complete?”
There is confluence with “kompleshackle“.
This is the primary context for which mankokomple was created.
A secondary used for the word “mankokomple” is as humorous, non-malicious, light-hearted description of a person. A variation on sayings such as “not the sharpest chisel in the box” and “a sandwich short of a picnic“.