slogcantination – the repetition of a slogan in the belief that in doing so its words will become something of substance.
slogcantation – a merging of the words “slogan” and a variation of the more usually spelled “incantation”.
slogcantation – a polyonom created on 5th November 2024 on which date research indicated there was no prior public record on the web of the word or combination of the letters ↓
100% polyonomicity asserted.
Variations :-
slogcanitariate – a cadre of people who specialise in slogcanitations.
sloganitation – and alternative spelling of slogcanifation.
slogcanitare – a fictional Latin root of slogcantination
Attropiation / Background
The inspiration for slogcantination sprang from a desire to create a word that encompassed the commentary offered by David Starkey about “woke” and “magic” in the video at