artificial intelligence
misillusionary A polyonom created on 17th June 2024 after finding that web searches “all” , “images” and “video” returned nil results. An adjective closely associated with mankomistro. Example use “misillusionary manifesto”. Artificial Intelligence interrogation helped produce the following:- The word “misillusionary” is a term that has garnered significant attention since its addition to the […]
polyonomy, polyonomous and polyonoms
polyonomy, polyonomous and polyonoms Polyonomy and polyonomous are established words. Polyonomy refers to the practice of using multiple names for a single thing or concept, while polyonymous refers to the use of multiple names for different things or concepts. Polyonoms are new words created to reflect, and/or are inspired by ideas and concepts (eg. artificial […]
maggstopia The outputs and practices from a school of artistic endeavours – covering all media and heavily influenced by the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence tools (and their derivatives). maggstopia – after the genius Rob Maggs – founder of the Menai Straits Arts Incubator. Also – maggstopian
illusoirai Artificial Intelligence outputs that describe or depict something that is an assertion or assertions with no extant evidence (available on the web) to support it / them. From the Dutch “illusoir” = illusory + A.I. = Artificial Intelligence Example – the accompanying AI generated output that accompanied the above search engine query read:- illusoirai […]
aipromptilaro Aipromptilaro is a combination of the acronym “AI”, and the words “prompt”, and “ilaro”. A.I. = “Artificial Intelligence” + “prompt” + “ilaro” (Esperanto for toolkit). So we arrive at aipromptilaro being the use of AI to generate prompts for creative tasks, such as writing, imagery or music. Alternative / abbreviation = aiprotilaro Aipromptilaro (and […]
volkaipedia A polyonom created on 11th October 2023 to describe a place on the web that records the of names and biographies of fictional characters generated by humans using artificial intelligence tools.