snapsoros – a stack of elements within a Snap (in the context of Snapifier*)
snapsoros – a polyonom created on 6th September 2024 from the word “snap” and “soros” (an Anglicisation of the Greek “σωρός” = stack).
Searches on that date indicated there was no previous public record of the word or combination of letters ↓
100% polyonmicity asserted.
During the Memebrs-Only part of Society11’s Friday Live on 6th September 2024 a question was asked by a Member about templates for use in the online software Snapifier*.
Snapifier’s Founder Owner (also a co-founder of Society11) explained that Snapifier Snaps comprised stacks of Elements rather than templates.
That left the way open for a way to describe those stacked elements. Research indicated that terms mixing “snap”, “stack” and “elements” had already been used by others.
The polyonoms “snapsoros” , “snapvirna” , “snapstapel” and “snapstoh” were created in response to this opportunity.
*Attropiation – Snapifier is an online software whose Founder Owner is Curt Crowley. No endorsement should be inferred in respect of mention here.